Bowjangles: Dracula in Space

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose
Aug 20-27 (16:30)

Fata Viam Invieniente

A mind-bending, paradigm-shifting, face-melting, fabric-space-time-tearing, all-singing, all-dancing, string-quarteting farce… set in space… with vampires… and inside jokes about music-making and the vagaries of show business. There are so many appealing elements in this production that you’re bound to find something that blows your mind and the combination of all of them – just wow.

Fringe favourites, UK stalwarts and darlings of string theatre (is that a thing? It should be), BOWJANGLES, are back with their latest show, ‘Dracula in Space’! They simply rock, as you might not expect a string quartet to rock, but rock they do. The ingenuity knobs go all the way up to eleven – with a decade of top level experience for this troupe, their latest show is a truly awe-inspiring enslaught of skill, wit, design and dedication. It’s a comedy romp that has to be seen to be believed.

On maybe at least ten occasions throughout the show, I had my mind blown witnessing the synchronicity of subtle devices, timed with movement, clever composition and musicianship to an extraordinary level – remembering they are theatricalising responsively at the same time as they sing and play – so impressive. We have the seamless interweaving of bodies, words and music – physical, oral and aural, all soaring together in one mad dance of divine chaos.

The directing was playful, inventive and emminently accessible. In this, the overall effect of the stage craft, replete with special effects and lighting, was illuminating and immersive. This is a fantastic show for singles, couples, friends or families, in the late afternoon slot to condition your mirth muscles for a raucous night. The joy was infectious and the crowd response was, like their lead violin, electric. Each character had an individual narrative to tickle forth the unbridled celebration of satire and sarcasm – delicious.

They afford themselves immense freedom to revel in the farce and fully gorge on self-references and double entendres, satirising fringe performing, the creative process, music composition and more. References to famous classical pieces and popular culture adorn every scene. Yes, go for the incredible live music, but stay for the cleverness, the inside humour and audience interplay.

It’s a DIY theatre-maker’s, grant-writer’s, review-chaser’s, composing nerd’s wet dream and I would sleep in the damp spot any day. Nothing was sacred, everything was celebrated. A take no prisoners approach where no one gets off Scot-free, especially themselves. This troupe are fearless, steering into every skid and it was an utter joy to ride the rollercoaster of every cavernous corner with them. Witty string-playing vampires in space? Set blasters to pun.

Stuart Bruce

Posted on August 20, 2023, in 2023. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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